Shared genetic basis between genetic generalized epilepsy and background electroencephalographic oscillation


Remi Stevelink , Jurjen J Luykx , Bochao D Lin , Costin Leu 6, Dennis Lal , Alexander W Smith , Dick Schijven, Johannes A Carpay , Koen Rademaker 3, Roiza A Rodrigues Baldez , Orrin Devinsky , Kees P J Braun , Floor E Jansen , Dirk J A Smit , Bobby P C Koeleman , International League Against Epilepsy Consortium on Complex Epilepsies; Epi25 Collaborative

Paroxysmal epileptiform abnormalities on electroencephalography (EEG) are the hallmark of epilepsies, but it is uncertain to what extent epilepsy and background EEG oscillations share neurobiological underpinnings. Here, we aimed to assess the genetic correlation between epilepsy and background EEG oscillations. See more



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