SJS/TEN 2019: From science to translation

Wan-Chun Chang, Riichiro Abe, Paul Anderson, Wanpen Anderson, Michael R. Ardern-Jones, Thomas M. Beachkofsky, Teresa Bellón, Agnieszka K. Biala, Charles Bouchard, Gianpiero L. Cavalleri, Nicole Chapman, James Chodosh, Hyon K. Choi, Ricardo R. Cibotti, Sherrie J. Divito, Karen Dewar, Ulrike Dehaeck, Mahyar Etminan, Diane Forbes, Esther Fuchs, Jennifer L. Goldman, James H. Holmes IV, Elyse A. Hope, Shuen-Iu Hung, Chia-Ling Hsieh, Alfonso Iovieno, Julienne Jagdeo, Mee Kum Kim, David M. Koelle, Mario E. Lacouture, Sophie Le Pallec, Rannakoe J. Lehloenya, Robyn Lim, Angie Lowe, Jean McCawley, Julie McCawley, Robert G. Micheletti, Maja Mockenhaupt, Katie Niemeyer, Michael A. Norcross, Douglas Oboh, Cristina Olteanu, Helena B. Pasieka, Jonathan Peter, Munir Pirmohamed, Michael Rieder, Hajirah N. Saeed, Neil H. Shear, Christine Shieh
Sabine Straus, Chonlaphat Sukasem, Cynthia Sung, Jason A. Trubiano, Sheng-Ying Tsou, Mayumi Ueta, Simona Volpi, Chen Wan, Hongsheng Wang, Zhao-Qing Wang, Jessica Weintraub, Cindy Whale, Lisa M. Wheatley, Sonia Whyte-Croasdaile, Kristina B. Williams, Galen Wright, Sonia N. Yeung, Li Zhou, Wen-Hung Chung, Elizabeth J. Phillips, Bruce C. Carleton

Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis (SJS/TEN) are potentially life-threatening, immune-mediated adverse reactions characterized by widespread erythema, epidermal necrosis, and detachment of skin and mucosa. Efforts to grow and develop functional international collaborations and a multidisciplinary interactive network focusing on SJS/TEN as an uncommon but high burden disease will be necessary to improve efforts in prevention, early diagnosis and improved acute and long-term management. SJS/TEN 2019: From Science to Translation was a 1.5-day scientific program held April 26-27, 2019, in Vancouver, Canada. The meeting successfully engaged clinicians, researchers, and patients and conducted many productive discussions on research and patient care needs.


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